Legal notice

1. Purpose of the web

This Legal Notice includes the general use conditions of the products offered by the company Alquibalat S.L., in relation to the people who use it (hereinafter BALAT).

This website as well as the online store have been developed in order to offer the USER an easy-to-use and reliable system for the realization of information and sale of products offered by BALAT.

The owner of the domain ( and in charge of its design, content, computer development and technical maintenance is BALAT with registered office at Calle Ramón Aguinaga 12, 31016 Pamplona (NAVARRA), with CIF number B-31 585318 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Navarra, in volume 752, folio 196 and page NA-15480, with Tfno .: 948 18 87 86 and email: ba***@ba***.es.

2. Access and use

The people who access this website and / or use information or carry out commercial transactions through it, acquire the status of USERS, committing themselves to the observation and rigorous compliance with the provisions established herein, as well as any other that is legally applicable.

USERS are made aware that the general conditions of use of this website, as well as the online store may be modified without prior notification.

3. Contents

The existing elements on this website as well as in the online store, both the design, content, computer development and technical maintenance, are protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations.

Any use that involves total or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation and commercialization is not allowed and in any case requires prior written authorization from BALAT.

4. Responsibility

All the links that lead to this website as well as to the online store, may not directly or indirectly show false, inaccurate or confusing indications. In the same way, BALAT is not responsible for the external links being always operative.

The website and the online store have been tested and are periodically reviewed to guarantee security and the absence of viruses in their systems. Likewise, correct technical operation is guaranteed, however, the possibility of a possible programming error or force majeure that make it impossible to access the website as well as the online store is not ruled out. In this case, we will act with the utmost diligence until the problem is corrected as soon as possible.

5. Applicable law

For the resolutions of any controversy or questions related to this website as well as the online store, Spanish law will be applicable, the parties involved expressly submitting to the Courts and Tribunals of Navarra.

Balat se compromete a procesar y utilizar sus datos personales únicamente para dar respuesta a su solicitud. La base que legitima el tratamiento de los datos personales es su consentimiento expreso. Igualmente, sus datos se conservarán durante el periodo que sea necesario para dar respuesta a su solicitud. Ver la política de privacidad.
Para poder recibir novedades sobre productos y servicios, así como ofertas comerciales, Balat solicita su consentimiento explícito. Siempre podrá darse de baja de estas comunicaciones según nuestra política de privacidad.
Balat se compromete a procesar y utilizar sus datos personales únicamente para dar respuesta a su solicitud. La base que legitima el tratamiento de los datos personales es su consentimiento expreso. Igualmente, sus datos se conservarán durante el periodo que sea necesario para dar respuesta a su solicitud. Ver la política de privacidad.
Para poder recibir novedades sobre productos y servicios, así como ofertas comerciales, Balat solicita su consentimiento explícito. Siempre podrá darse de baja de estas comunicaciones según nuestra política de privacidad.