Prefabricated Modules for Red Cross



Cruz Roja









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About the project

We present this work with prefabricated modules for the Red Cross.

A special work because it has involved the transfer of the modules made in our facilities to the final location. All the assembly of the main assembly except the upper roof was done in the workshops of Balat.

The module is showy and special. On the outside, it stands out for its reddish roof shaped peak. The sandwich panel is soft but in places where there is no access we find half-height leaf windows that give a great luminosity to the interior that is a diaphanous area.

We have placed the modules at the end of a staircase adapting the terrain a little. Everything is connected to the electricity grid to power the lighting, the cold-heat equipment and all office devices that are placed inside.

We will update the project as we have photos of it finished inside.

We hope you like it!

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